There are many reasons that entrepreneurs and business owners enter into partnerships. The collaboration, shared responsibilities and different perspectives that partnerships offer can be incredibly valuable in the business world. However, studies report that nearly...
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business litigation
Tech companies facing more and more lawsuits
It seems that nowadays, tech companies face risks from all directions. With claims that companies violated labor laws or breached antitrust laws, many companies in Silicon Valley frequently make national headlines nowadays. And a recent case could lead to another wave...
AB 5, Proposition 22 still causing businesses trouble
In 2019, California gained national attention when state lawmakers signed Assembly Bill 5 into law. And the response to the law was quick. Several companies – namely Uber and Lyft – objected to the regulations. The dispute over AB 5 continued until last November....
Deadlock does not have to be the end of partnerships
Regardless of the company’s size, business partners frequently believe that a 50/50 partnership is the fairest and most effective arrangement. That way, they both maintain equal power and say over the direction of this shared dream and effort. Even so, every 50/50...
What to look for when reviewing the settlement agreement
In many cases, the resolution of a business lawsuit frequently ends in a settlement. Regardless of how business owners approach resolving the legal dispute, the parties will lay out the terms of their resolution in a settlement agreement. California business owners...
It can never be said enough – employers must always make sure they stay on top of any changes to employment laws. When they are up to date, they face a lower risk of non-compliance. Unfortunately, this can be a complicated task, as changes and revisions are frequent...
Four brand risks to manage when facing litigation
Infringement on your brand or trademark is not the only way your brand could be put in jeopardy. You may well know that any form of litigation could put your brand at risk. And as we have seen in the last few years, it does not take much for one issue to affect a...
Where can antitrust lawsuits originate?
Companies of all sizes face the risk of antitrust litigation, though the risk substantially increases the larger a business becomes. Business owners must be acutely aware of the antitrust laws regulating their business practices. However, they must also be aware of...
New bill: Board member is now a requirement for some California companies
There is no denying how important diversity is in the business world, and current events have only placed even more emphasis on this matter. Many sources, from Forbes to the Harvard Business Review, stress the need for diversity and provide business owners with tips...
Facebook antitrust lawsuit: What to know
While business owners strive for success, they must also make sure they adhere to state and federal regulations on competition. No matter the size or kind of business, it is important to avoid any action that could be construed as violating antitrust laws to avoid...