Employers have the right to make decisions on how they run their business, as long as those decisions comply with state and federal laws. For instance, an employer can decide whether to hire someone, when to let employees go and how to move them around to best meet...
Experienced Attorney Dedicated To Protecting Client's Interests
Month: June 2018
Are dispute resolution clauses right for your business contracts?
The whole point of taking the time to carefully prepare business contracts prior to signing them is to mitigate the risk of litigation, which can not only hurt a company’s bottom line and reputation, it usually takes months or even years to resolve. As such, business...
Do I Have to Go to Court to Resolve a Business Dispute?
When a business dispute arises, owners typically want to resolve it quickly, and they don't want to spend too much money to do so. This can seem impossible to do if your case goes to court, and indeed litigation can be the most time-consuming and expensive way to...
Whether Starting or Expanding a Business, Avoid These 3 Mistakes
If you own a business, you've likely learned quite a few lessons about how to run your company. However, every phase of a business presents new challenges and new opportunities. This is true whether you are starting a brand-new business or expanding an existing one....