The hiring process is a nervous time for both the prospective employees who apply for the open position, and the employer that is trying to hire the most talented applicant available. There are many things to consider on both sides, but today we want to focus on the...
Experienced Attorney Dedicated To Protecting Client's Interests
Year: 2017
Big Companies Snapping Up Electric Truck Reservations
Efficiency and meeting deadlines are the top priorities for any transportation or logistics company. In an effort to meet these priorities and compete in a highly competitive industry, some business owners take risks others may not be willing (or able) to take. For...
How Can You Secure And Protect Your Trade Secret?
Can you imagine if every soda company on the planet had access to Coca-Cola's recipe? Or if every fast food chain knew the secret spices that went into Kentucky Fried Chicken's meals? If either of those things were true, then every soda company would make Coca-Cola...
Resolving Intellectual Property Disputes Through Mediation
Staying competitive in the market is crucial for any business owner, whether you operate a small logistics company or a large tech business. Part of being competitive involves protecting the tools, solutions, and products that give you an edge over other companies....
3 Ways To Resolve Disputes If Construction Disrupts Your Business
The holiday season is the most important time of year for many California business owners, as it can be the final push to maximize profits. With all that is on the line, any issue that jeopardizes business can be catastrophic. One such issue is construction work....
Inaccurate Records Lead To Claims Of Fraud, Breach Of Contract
Accuracy, clarity, and specificity are crucial when it comes to drafting (or signing) a contract. Failure to prioritize these elements can lead to confusion and, in many cases, costly litigation. Recently, issues stemming from contract language and inaccuracies...
Trademark Law Applies To The Senses
Every aspect of starting a business takes time and energy. Owners expect their investment into the business to reciprocate -- to pay back and prosper. When a competitor uses similar language or imagery, it creates brand confusion, a loss of customers and a loss of...
Employee Or Independent Contractor? Why The Distinction Matters
Many Californians prefer to work in non-traditional workplaces or under a non-traditional work structure. As such, there has been a dramatic increase in so-called "gig economy" jobs, or jobs on a freelance or short-term basis. However, these environments come with...
What Business Owners Should Know About Cease And Desist Letters
In the course of operating a business in California, situations may arise in which another party tries to use your protected materials without permission. This is not uncommon, especially here in California where so many businesses thrive based on inventions,...
What Is A Trade Secret?
To remain competitive in the marketplace, businesses often need to provide something special to consumers and clients. This might include faster service, a better product or unique solutions. In any of these cases, the information or method that gives your company its...